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Extinct Dinos - Out of Breath?


Conditions in the garden of Eden may have been ideal in ways different than the average believer thinks. Rampant plant growth and oxygen-rich atmosphere may have contributed greatly to the size of living creatures and the length of their lives.


Many dinosaurs have gone extinct.


Hyperbaric-like conditions in Eden?

The Bible describes a series of layers of water used during Creation. These layers were above, below, and on the land. That layer of water above the atmosphere protected life on earth by blocking the dangerous rays of the sun. This layer would naturally have increased the humidity to the point where the night temperatures would cause the dews described in the Bible to water the plants.

Moisture for plants that produce oxygen

This layer may have had another function - increasing the barometric pressure of the atmosphere. We see the same type of conditions in hyperbaric chambers used by many medical and sports institutions. These chambers allow for easier breathing in an oxygen-rich atmosphere, used in various types of healing treatment. With these conditions, the plants would have been huge and extremely healthy. With many plants around a world that had no oceans as yet, the conditions would have been saturated with oxygen, making perfect conditions for humans and all air-breathing creatures.

After the flood, this canopy had fallen to earth to join the fountains of the deep that eventually covered all the mountains of the earth. This would have changed the ambient conditions drastically. At this point, any creatures as large as the fossils we have found would begin to have trouble breathing. Especially if they had nostrils that related to the size of their heads as animals do today.

How much evidence does it take?

This is a much more feasible scenario for the "sudden" disappearance of the dinosaurs, which is not sudden in a young-earth theory. It would also explain the cohabitation of man with the dinosaurs, evidence of which is found with bones of men and creatures together, trilobytes crushed in sandal prints, the surprisingly accurate drawings of dinosaurs by men, and the discovery of "extinct" creatures living today.

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Out of Breath?
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