Promises and Secrets

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Creation Complexity


I think that God made the world so complex that any scheme devised by man to explain away the Creator would look silly to anyone with a brain. Not only are the large accomplishments complex, but the tiniest living cell is more complex than the space shuttles it takes years for NASA to put together. Yet the evolutionsts agree that no amount of time could accidentally evolve a space shuttle - or my favorite, a 57 Chevy - merely by blowing around the sand and rain. So if time and chance cannot accidentally make the rocks of Mount Rushmore look like four American presidents' faces, how can they believe that time can make the entire originals?


The universe is a complex place. Life is even more complex than the physical matter of the universe.


Complexity obviously has its place in Design, but how do evolution, chance and the laws of thermodynamics allow the creation of complex physical structures - much less living creatures from non-organic materials?

Even the scientists cannot begin to explain the latter part of that question.

I once had a discussion with a young man who worked for me in a business of mine. He was a college student and an avid believer in evolution. I asked him what he would think if he was walking across the desert and came across a perfect 1957 Chevrolet, complete with chrome, glass and tires. Would he think that it just evolved there or would he assume it had been placed there after being manufactured? He said that he could believe that it was chance if the period of time since someone had passed by that area had been long enough.

Our discussion was over. He even stated that he believed in something that he could not prove, but actually believed that a recognizably complex machine could happen by chance. That is religion - pure and simple. But when I tell him that I believe that God made it all happen, he says that I have stepped outside the bounds of science. ???? The logic seems a little one-sided to me.

"Are we really here?"

Of course, he was the same individual that told me that we are not real, just concepts of a mind somewhere (evidently not the mind of God, but something like the Matrix, I guess). We are not really doing things and discussing concepts with each other as we think we are. Also, we could not predict any actions because something could always happen to change the outcome, so no predictions can be accurate.

When I said that I could prove that he really did not believe that, he took me up on it. (We had an audience of several people by this time.) I asked him to stand and face me, then told him that I predict that when I hit him in the nose with my fist, his nose would bleed (I am 6 inches taller and 70 pounds heavier than he is). He said that I would not really be hitting him, I would just think that I did. I said that in that case, no real damage would be done, right? So can I hit you? He declined. It is one thing to accept this garbage being taught in public schools (even the colleges) because you need a grade, but to stand behind the concepts and lay it on the line with your life is something else altogether.

The Black Box of Charles Darwin

For an example of the absurdity of the concept of evolution, read Michael Behe's "Darwin's Black Box". A black box is used as an example of something that works, but since the box is closed, no one knows exactly how it works. Behe does not accept evolution and has a believable examination process. It is not just a statement of belief since he gets very technical with some intriguing micro-biological and bio-chemical concepts that defy any attempt to explain them by accidental or mutative cause. When you compare this work to Richard Dawkins' "The Blind Watchmaker", you see the difference between a person actually finding and presenting real answers and another who merely tries to ridicule a concept without proof, and presents "ideas" (such as the organism with no mind determined that it "needed" the mutation, so it "needed" it into existence) without credibility or any substantiation whatsoever.

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