Promises and Secrets

Promises and Secrets Promises and Secrets

A website for those not afraid to examine their beliefs, compare them to the real world, and make sure they fit.

Here's how the site works



On subsequent pages, this box is the place where the summary of a view is presented explaining something about the topic in the FACT box in the center. Of course, not everyone claiming to be on the presented side will be represented by this view. If you want to add to the view or suggest changes, please send in your comments to:



This set of three side-by-side boxes will be used to identify the major viewpoints of boths sides of an issue. FACTS listed here in the center will be undisputed events, things, and information accepted by most reasonable persons, but about which there are multiple viewpoints regarding the state, origin, or meaning of the subject matter.


The Goodwill had a book with a title that immediately grabbed my interest - "Christless Christianity".

It was published in 2008, written by Michael Horton, and is an eye-opener for Christians.

This book lives up to it's promise - exposing false beliefs.

Without going too much into the details here, the author explains his belief that nearly the entire "Christian" church preaches a Christ that is not found in the Bible. (Where have I heard an idea like that before?) His explanations are surprising as well as accurate and thorough. His descriptions include pastors and preachers from the pulpit, authors of books, and even revered televsion "evangelists".

If you don't feel like reading it, or would like a little better idea about why he feels that way, check out the Christless Christianity page from this link or in the Main Menu at the left under Christianity. His book is mentioned on the page after the discussion about that very phenomenon - Christless Christianity. See how close we come to describing the beliefs of your church.

Speak up

As the Bereans did with Paul, when you read the ideas presented on the pages of this site, don't just blow them off or even accept them without challenge or investigation. Check them out. Compare them not only to your beliefs, but to the Bible and the references given to demonstrate their accuracy. If you find something you consider an error, send in your thoughts. If you wish, they will be published in the opposing view column so that others can see the other side.

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This site is based on the plea of David, the author of Psalm 12.

Psalm 12 (NIV)

1 Help, Lord, for no one is faithful anymore;
those who are loyal have vanished from the human race.

2 Everyone lies to their neighbor;
they flatter with their lips
but harbor deception in their hearts.

3 May the Lord silence all flattering lips
and every boastful tongue -

4 those who say,
"By our tongues we will prevail;
our own lips will defend us - who is lord over us?"

5 "Because the poor are plundered and the needy groan,
I will now arise," says the Lord.
"I will protect them from those who malign them."

6 And the words of the Lord are flawless,
like silver purified in a crucible,
like gold refined seven times.

7 You, Lord, will keep the needy safe
and will protect us forever from the wicked,

8 who freely strut about;
when what is vile is honored by the human race.

A submission from a reader:

 What Got in the Way

    I didn't want the what I found
    Nor did I even care.
    I didn't seek to understand
    The what I saw in there.

    No matter what it can't be true
    I know 'cause I can see
    Just what I want, and what I don't
    And what is wrong with me.

    What absolutes are promised.
    That's not how I depict it.
    And what my what is wanting,
    would make it all conflicted.

    So even though the what is there
    I'd just assume it's not,
    'cause if it was of consequence
    I'd have to ask - then what?

-Steven Glen of Caleb and Company


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