Promises and Secrets

Promises and SecretsPromises and Secrets

A website for those not afraid to examine their beliefs, compare them to the real world, and make sure they fit.



Religions are man's response to God or whatever force they consider is "in charge" of his world. The Christian God gave us a need to know Him, so we search for His truth.


Religions exist worldwide.


We are all searching for something. There is a longing for knowledge and understanding that drives us. That longing for knowledge and truth does not always lead to God.

Most people think that religion means some sort of belief in a supreme being or a god. We submit that there are religions that have nothing to do with a belief in the supernatural or God, and some even deny His existence altogether. The Oxford dictionary has at least three definitions of religion:

    The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods

    One of the systems of faith that are based on the belief in the existence of a particular god or gods

    A particular interest or influence that is very important in your life.

The last one is the one we are interested in. When people think of religion, they think it pertains to supernatural things that people cannot prove, so they often attach themselves to some fanatical belief that is different from that of people who "are based in the real world". In a way, we agree. However, would anyone think of Evolution as a religion?

"Evolution - a religion?"

"Of course, not!" you say? Well, aside from the rhetoric you hear when people say "Evolution is a fact.", can you point to even one thing that gives proof that the statement is true? No, really. Forget that this is the basis for a very emotional argument, and that ridiculous statement that "anyone who believes in God cannot believe in science". Really? This web site was created by a programmer on a computer, uses a DSL connection to the internet, who drives a car, rides the Max train to work, and is a support technician for a company that provides accounting software for city and county governments across the country - and he very much believes in God. (UPDATE: We now have cable instead of DSL, I retired in 2015, no longer ride the Max or go to work daily. The first and last parts are still true, and I still drive a car.)

Get some proof

If someone says there is a car in your driveway, how do you determine whether they speak the truth? You could look outside, but there may be a picture of a car there to deceive you. How do you tell for sure? You go out and touch the car. Now you know.

Let's look at the other way that you could be convinced that there is a car in your driveway. You are sitting in the living room, with no windows, and it is very cold outside. Your friend says to you, for whatever reason he may have, "I drove my car over here and parked it in your driveway. How else could I get here?" You have two options - believe him, or check it out. It is very nasty outside, so you decide not to go out and check for yourself. You accept his statement because his logic is very good, and you trust him. The trouble is, in reality he is trying to convince you he has a car, but he really walked to your house. Now, his logic was good and he has a reason for doing it, but is he telling you the truth?

Appearances can be deceiving

Evolution is very much a religion that many want to convince you is science. According to, Science is defined as:

"Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe."

Oops, evolutionists don't like that one

Note that pesky word "testable" in this definition. Now, another site,, gives a more "modern" definition, that is a little easier on the evolutionists:

    a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences

    systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation

    any of the branches of natural or physical science

    systematized knowledge in general knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study."

Ahh, that's better for them

According to these newer definitions, the word "knowledge" is key, but there is still that part about "observation and experimentation". For someone who did not want God to keep them from doing whatever they want to do, the belief in Evolution would be based on things they "know" are facts. This would be things they "learned" in school, even though they cannot be proven by "testable" explanations, as is required by the older, more accurate definitions of science.

But, that means...

And what do you call something you believe but cannot prove? According to the secular definition above, "a particular interest or influence that is very important in your life" that cannot be tested by true science. In other words, Religion.

Politically Correct Schools

An interesting point I learned from a speech given by Wilfred M. McClay at Hillsdale College on July 10, 2015 is that the current History curriculum in our schools has been changed to include Politically Correct viewpoints that replace our system with the concept of a "civic membership, an act of inculcation and formation, a way in which the young are introduced to the fullness of their political and cultural inheritance as Americans, enabling them to become literate and conversant in its many features, and to appropriate fully all that it has to offer them, both its privileges and its burdens."

It took a while to absorb the concept he was trying to convey. He says that the "new" history teachings allow a multitude of "facts" based on the PC concepts of the class going through school at the time. He quotes historian Donald Kagan as saying "The encouragement of patriotism is no longer a part of our public educational system, and the cost of that omission has made itself felt" in a way that "would have alarmed and dismayed the founders of our country."

Imagine 50 years from now

So, if you have a different PC viewpoint than the class before you, you will have a different concept of history than they have. At the speed of today's changing views, imagine the difference between classes even 10 years apart. What we are teaching our youth is removing the patriotism that comes from the recognition of what we inherited from our founders. This is already removing patriotism and replacing it with a "religion" or belief system that changes with the winds of political correctness. These young students are going to be the leaders of our country in the years to come, and they have neither a uniform moral code nor a patriotic compass to guide them. Imagine a discussion between generations about God and country in 50 years. Ah, the religion of politics.

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